Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is it you?

That shines the sun upon my face,

who brings me morning bliss

with kisses in my sleep

Is it you that is in his place?

Could you be the one who whispers in my ear

who sends my heart in flight?

The one that fills me with delight

all morning, day and night?

His thought, the moments I do seek

that play with my mind and heart so sweet

Is it you...?

How can this be so far,

from where you rest and where you are ~

in the nest of His arms still

I want you in mine ... I want to fill

my mouth with the taste of you

the essence of what you say and do

Please do not deny me now..

My heart is broken and yet,

I find a special, place and time

to always see you in my mind

Yes, a special place and time

It begins with dawn and the early signs,

of life as we all are in our innocent still

then around the day so bright,

you might fly across and find

that your eyes, so deep and blue

the ones for only you, fill my soul

and seek me out, find a spot where love is 'til

eternity for you and I do hold

A place for us, no secrets told

Is it you, that brush past my hair?

Who makes me smile for this I share

it happens only now and then

throughout my time, but not to soon

just morning, night and noon.

Come to me, touch me still,

release in me the love so dear

the one for you both said and written

My love, I miss your face and sound

the tender ways and you pronounce

Come back to me each dusk and see

the tenderness that will always be

so know that you are on my mind

from dawn to dusk and you will find

me waiting patiently for you ~

Is it you...?

Te amabo in aeternam

Always, Gianna

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pure Love

The rain falls and it feels so good
to have the water wash
past all the hurt and pain
to feel my soul breathe again
A raindrop falls and fills my eye
it is easier when my heart is hurt
to let it flow and begin to cry
I release the tears and know inside
that you are near, and now I kneel
Why do we lose those that heal
the ones that make us feel for real?
A thought is just that you were mine
someone to count on for all the times
of joy and elation, of feeling glad
for true love is what we had
I think of you with my full heart
one that feels so far apart
from a time when it might be again
a time where there is more than friends
A trust, hope, faith and still
even more now we can begin to feel
You often ask why me...?
I tell you, please begin to see
that you have opened my center,
my being, all of me that tends
to lockdown and be free with love
and tenderness and feelings whole
it is you that is amazing as I unfold
To peel away all the layers of pain
that make me want to restrain
all that gives me the power to share
those moments of strength
with love , trust and faith
it all does point to how much I care
For all that you give and make for me
to feel my spirit is actually free, my mind engaged
the emotions rush as I feel you near
my soul is lifted, I see your face
As we begin to embrace....
I want it so for you and me
it was you always, you are in my dream.

Amor Aeternus

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Marmalade I ask you,
"Is it sweet, or savory"?
~Your reply is marmalade...
Sweet, citrusy, lingering and lazy
as it tantalizes my mind and makes me crazy
with tangy seductive, interesting sounds,
your lips and tongue as they make way to my, rounds.
Your voice it is as so that I long to hear,
again and again upon my ears.
The gentle and cultured way you speak,
your tenderness and respect, is what I seek
~to know your mind, the thought of you...
that holds my attention the entire night through.
I wonder, do you feel the same, are you thinking of me,
as marmalade?
Known as aurantium or honey fruit that makes my lips,
swell, with pleasure upon my hips, do you see them on yours'...?
I cannot resist.
Well known to most as jam and peel, the taste,
sweet and bitter ~ Is it you that I describe, or yet,
a perfect union of tastes and smells and feelings of three, the jam, you and me.
Another double entredre as you begin to think twice
~is it clear I have made my way to find you at home,
feeling and wanting, this, I know.
The thought so sweet as you describe, a taste,a lick of yours' and mine
~ So tell me once more, if you will,
Is it sweet or savory which you want still?

Your sweetness, Gianna

Thursday, June 25, 2009


It doesn't mean what you think it does ~
I am quite smitten and wouldn't dream of this coming to an end.
Your attention so effortless and words so kind,
my heart is enthralled and completely entwined,
with thoughts of you, wondering all day
what it might feel like with yours' in mine ~ please don't go away...
She has your heart and mine belongs to you,
the words make me blush when we think of how new,
our time and knowledge of one anothers' life,
your lovers and mine, why must we know...why?
They make us who we are, our highs and our lows,
the moments good and the feelings still show.
I love so much of who you are, the potential for affinity and all that we know,
that will make us feel full with sync and flow,
Our lust is precious, but the eternal delight is to feel but one heart beat,
upon our chests tonight, rhythmically pumping both body and mind,
wanting to hold you and fill me with your warmth and glow,
my face with excitement, both physical and soul,
come to me sweet man, don't let go ~
Please know that my heart is real, all that you see, touch and feel,
is who I am both good and bad, tender with love and all we will have.
You are precious to me, so much can go right,
let's take it slow, so you can feel, my heart sincere
for what is natural will come in a day, month and a year.
When can I share this with you, both night and day,
a love so real, so exciting and right?
You will see the effects of how you feel my attention and tenderness will push,
and peel back the curtain of life,
now and forever from dawn to dusk and then the light.
I hope this is what makes us feel full,
for now and tomorrow with you, it is right.
Gone a month and cannot let go...

Missing you,


Thursday, June 18, 2009


You should be here...on the way to the Southwest,
relaxed, confident and full of rest.
Your days were numbered, in letters bright,
I would count them down, every single night.
Thinking, praying and wondering why,
this happened to you, such a anguished sigh,
comes from my heart, my mouth and soul,
a gap that with never fill or fold.
It dawns on me, was it too hard,
to change your life, the other part?
Did you see what life had for you ~
all the options that your heart and other areas
wanted and knew?
You can have all that you want,
no matter the cost, the damage or loss.
You see, there is no shame in wanting and needing,
your heart is your heart and should be made as one
entire entity no compartments from lust, to love, to fun.
Come home now, know that you are loved,
your entire person, the man, the soul and libido
and all else above.
Love ~ we ask, is it really possible, something so sweet
and most precious to touch.
You made it real, the language, feelings and spirit
as such...
I want only you, no other man,
please do not suggest, this woman, it is who I am.
My heart is not open to any one now,
your memory alive in all that I vow,
to love and cherish the time that we had,
I honor your gifts and will smile and be glad.
Please come to me and place your heart in mine,
know that you are safe and accepted for all that you are ~
the thoughts, the desires and feelings complete,
you are whole again, and you are home in me.
Come live here and never, ever be alone,
live inside me, let me take you HOME.

You are always in my dreams sweet man ~

Love, Gianna

Monday, June 15, 2009

Three Weeks

Your words are fresh in my mind,
"You, are the cause of my wanting to be better".
~ I want to come home and be a regular guy,
one that is gentle, loving and kind.
Those words, they made me feel so much,
so strong, so loving, trusting and such ~
Today is the day, three weeks at this time,
my world stopped cold and began to unwind.
We emailed and said that your surprise,
would be waiting by phone,
one that set you on fire, with love and desire.
My love, you are the man I adore,
the only one who made me want more,
of life's sweet gifts, ones that move and make change,
giving wings to our dreams, of things all tender and serene.
Some days are so hard, I think constantly about ~
your face, voice and want to shout out,
all that you loved, lived and been through,
you are missed, in all that you do.
The reading, smoking, the wining and dining too,
the talking and all that we knew.
Your family and friends will allow,
only parts of what I felt and all that you grew,
to love and cherish in life and now death,
your mind and knowing it, is what I have left...
No wait, not the whole story, because,
I have all that you gave to me.
Your heart, is what I cherish the most,
to feel you present in all that I seek,
I miss you my love...it is now three weeks.

Candor dat viribus alas.

Love, Gianna

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Funny, foolish

...a long pause, your mouth begins to curl,
eyes fill with tears, your laugh, turns from a giggle
to a full roar and it fills the room with ~ more.
Your energy so bright and full of life,
our smiles meet and you fill me with delight.
It never stops making sense, how much you love,
it is the most intense feelings for one, the only one,
to rise above.
The day you smiled and offered your hand and opened
the door to be more than friends,
it touched my heart and made it race with great anticipation,
of our release.
All the worries and fears of being accepted
for you, for me, our true connection.
We talked, chatted and then we knew
our futures full of love and the unexpected
glorious morning, nights and moments of "pester"
your lips tease the edges of rest...
There were so many things we might say, to bring one
another along the way ~
Do you find me funny and foolish? Don't ask now, or why,
just know that your gentle way of relief, gives me pause
of complete elation, a deep intellectual, love connection.
At this time, I must reveal that I do love you,
you are heaven, no more words to conceal.
Until two weeks ago in my mind, we were solid,
a future for all of time.
Your departure had thrown me into distress, my heart is
on empty, nothing makes sense.
Until you came into my life...it was cold, my heart solid
with no love in sight. Your laugh, the smile, your mind and heart
melted all that was dead, you brought me to life.
So sweet man, just know that you are loved,
that the funny, foolish and comedy above, is full with
laughter and music too, all your hearts' content
is what I wish for you...

You are completely loved ~ especially the foolish part.

Love, Gianna

Friday, June 12, 2009


We promised...the night was late,
your words to remember, we meet at Cap Ferret
in mid September.
Our intentions pure, our hearts are on fire,
from lips curious to other desires.
We needed time to make it right,
to solve the obvious for our future is bright.
You said she was not the one for you...
she still thinks that those words are not true.
I know this now that your promise was pure,
of only her heart you wanted to spare.
It is still hard knowing she thinks of you,
as her one and only; you are mine and this I bare as truth.
She is only focused on the shiny and bright,
of what she can get, not your heart tonight.
My respect and honor for you is so deep, I want to protect
so that you may not weep.
Just know that I do, whatever you desire,
my love for you will always be higher.
Words do not convey my feelings of loss,
of all that we knew and forever...the cost.

Arcanum arcanorum~

Love, Gianna

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Your Face

His eyes, blue as my sea,
the soul, deep, clean and full of virtue.
His mind sharp, wit in tact, mouth,
full of wisdom ready to laugh...
His smile, so replete ~
there is no other way for me.
I think of your face, kissing it with lips of love.
Is it possible, for me to feel your breath,
upon my cheek as we both rise above,
what is left is this vision of us...
Your face, against mine, in a tender moment,
full of love, just you and I.
Come to me sweet man.
Fill my mind, burn your face inside eternity,
your skin, your lips the eyes that make me weak,
live in your sanctuary of love and are free.
No need for another, just you and me ~

Love, Gianna

Monday, June 8, 2009


It feels real, this thought of you
the images of us sharing space, feeling
and knowing what is true.
Did I dream it, hoping for truth?
It all seems so real, so full and complete,
your taste, your smell that touch and I reach...
Was it a dream, is there something to learn?
I need to know what you teach,
God, please spare my aching heart.
Just once, I want to hear his sound.
The resonance of his voice reaches my heart via ears,
the vibration of his chest, is what I long to hear...
just for a moment where we can be still.
Come to me sweet man, lie next to me,
be with me whole, in spirit forever ten-fold.
I long for you 'til then, you are all that I need.
The vision is you...am I dreaming?
Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit ~

Love, Gianna

Sunday, June 7, 2009


It is viseral and lasting...
this pain, this aching,
wanting, needing and not getting relief.
Your words of my heart, "we are so fine",
and lasting, eternal for that I grieve, my loss,
my love and all you bequeath.
Your will, is it so, that we choose not to let go,
of the memories so sweet, our time too short,
all the possibilities, the future that will now not be known...
What did you intend, this life that you knew, or to be a part of me,
and the happiness we grew?
I don't care...I want it to hurt, I want my ears to bleed,
my heart to be torn and never to ease.
You are gone, just in body, not soul,
it is just a matter of sweet time,
until I feel you, touch you and all that we know.

You are my one true love ~

Love, Gianna

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


The day will start, just like any
the sun comes up, my thoughts are of you,
my heart sings out, can it be true?
Your tender soul touched me deep
with love, humor and and things I won't repeat...
You are here, I feel you now,
it is then that I take my bow,
next to my bed, with heart so humble,
my mind is a blur, and my words, I fumble.
Please forgive me Lord, I need him now,
please give him back, and this I vow,
to never take for granted still
my gifts, like friends and life...
So as I sleep, please send him round
give him back...I need him now ~

Love, Gianna


Cold, alone without love or warmth
you came into me with such grace,
filled my space and made me swell.
You touched me, released me and filled me up,
allowed me to beat again...
I am alive in your memory, beating only for the day
just a moment, only one, until it is you that feels,
my lockdown heart is no longer afraid.

I love you,
